7 research outputs found

    Supernova neutrino halo and the suppression of self-induced flavor conversion

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    Neutrinos streaming from a supernova (SN) core occasionally scatter in the envelope, producing a small "neutrino halo" with a much broader angle distribution than the primary flux originating directly from the core. Cherry et al. (2012) have recently pointed out that, during the accretion phase, the halo actually dominates neutrino-neutrino refraction at distances exceeding some 100 km. However, the multiangle matter effect (which increases if the angle distribution is broader) still appears to suppress self-induced flavor conversion during the accretion phase.Comment: related to our previous PRL 108 (2012) 061101 [arXiv:1109.3601]; v2 with appendix on analytic treatment of halo, matches the published versio

    Suppression of Self-Induced Flavor Conversion in the Supernova Accretion Phase

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    Self-induced flavor conversions of supernova (SN) neutrinos can strongly modify the flavor dependent fluxes. We perform a linearized flavor stability analysis with accretion-phase matter profiles of a 15 M_sun spherically symmetric model and corresponding neutrino fluxes. We use realistic energy and angle distributions, the latter deviating strongly from quasi-isotropic emission, thus accounting for both multi-angle and multi-energy effects. For our matter and neutrino density profile we always find stable conditions: flavor conversions are limited to the usual MSW effect. In this case one may distinguish the neutrino mass hierarchy in a SN neutrino signal if the mixing angle theta_13 is as large as suggested by recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; minor edits, matches the version published in PR

    Probing the neutrino mass hierarchy with the rise time of a supernova burst

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    The rise time of a Galactic supernova (SN) bar-nue lightcurve, observable at a high-statistics experiment such as the IceCube Cherenkov detector, can provide a diagnostic tool for the neutrino mass hierarchy at "large" 1-3 leptonic mixing angle theta_13. Thanks to the combination of matter suppression of collective effects at early postbounce times on one hand and the presence of the ordinary Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect in the outer layers of the SN on the other hand, a sufficiently fast rise time on O(100) ms scale is indicative of an inverted mass hierarchy. We investigate results from an extensive set of stellar core-collapse simulations, providing a first exploration of the astrophysical robustness of these features. We find that for all the models analyzed (sharing the same weak interaction microphysics) the rise times for the same hierarchy are similar not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, with the signals for the two classes of hierarchies significantly separated. We show via Monte Carlo simulations that the two cases should be distinguishable at IceCube for SNe at a typical Galactic distance 99% of the times. Finally, a preliminary survey seems to show that the faster rise time for inverted hierarchy as compared to normal hierarchy is a qualitatively robust feature predicted by several simulation groups. Since the viability of this signature ultimately depends on the quantitative assessment of theoretical/numerical uncertainties, our results motivate an extensive campaign of comparison of different code predictions at early accretion times with implementation of microphysics of comparable sophistication, including effects such like nucleon recoils in weak interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, unchanged but for minor reference update, matches published versio

    Impact of eV-mass sterile neutrinos on neutrino-driven supernova outflows

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    Motivated by recent hints for sterile neutrinos from the reactor anomaly, we study active-sterile conversions in a three-flavor scenario (2 active + 1 sterile families) for three different representative times during the neutrino-cooling evolution of the proto-neutron star born in an electron-capture supernova. In our "early model" (0.5 s post bounce), the nu_e-nu_s MSW effect driven by Delta m^2=2.35 eV^2 is dominated by ordinary matter and leads to a complete nu_e-nu_s swap with little or no trace of collective flavor oscillations. In our "intermediate" (2.9 s p.b.) and "late models" (6.5 s p.b.), neutrinos themselves significantly modify the nu_e-nu_s matter effect, and, in particular in the late model, nu-nu refraction strongly reduces the matter effect, largely suppressing the overall nu_e-nu_s MSW conversion. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous studies of active-sterile supernova neutrino oscillations. We always include the feedback effect on the electron fraction Y_e due to neutrino oscillations. In all examples, Y_e is reduced and therefore the presence of sterile neutrinos can affect the conditions for heavy-element formation in the supernova ejecta, even if probably not enabling the r-process in the investigated outflows of an electron-capture supernova. The impact of neutrino-neutrino refraction is strong but complicated, leaving open the possibility that with a more complete treatment, or for other supernova models, active-sterile neutrino oscillations could generate conditions suitable for the r-process.Comment: 23 pages, including 14 figures and 2 tables (minor changes in the text). Matches published version in JCA

    The next-generation liquid-scintillator neutrino observatory LENA

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    We propose the liquid-scintillator detector LENA (Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy) as a next-generation neutrino observatory on the scale of 50 kt. The outstanding successes of the Borexino and KamLAND experiments demonstrate the large potential of liquid-scintillator detectors in low-energy neutrino physics. LENA's physics objectives comprise the observation of astrophysical and terrestrial neutrino sources as well as the investigation of neutrino oscillations. In the GeV energy range, the search for proton decay and long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments complement the low-energy program. Based on the considerable expertise present in European and international research groups, the technical design is sufficiently mature to allow for an early start of detector realization.Comment: Whitepaper for the LENA low-energy neutrino detector, 67 pages, 32 figure